Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ignoring the Experts Can Catch You More Fish!

Last night I ran into a fishing acquaintance and we got to talking, as fishermen do.  We fish the same river and we were comparing notes.  This river is great because you can catch channel catfish, flathead catfish, carp, freshwater drum, northern pike, smallmouth bass, and walleye.

Its backwater lakes also have crappie, largemouth bass and bullheads in addition to the other species.  You just never know what you might get.

Of these fish the walleye has the reputation of being the most finicky, dare I say smart.  They also happen to be the best tasting by far of them all.  Many of my fishing mentors in the area spend a great deal of time in pursuit of the walleye.

I was telling my friend that my son and I usually get up around 5:00 am to go fishing.

“Why on earth do you go fishing at 5:00 am?”  He asked.

People, as well as books, tell me that walleye don’t like bright light and that the best time to fish for them is early or late in the day.

“I catch most of my fish between noon and 2:00.” he said,

“Are you crazy?” I asked

“It’s a great time to fish because nobody expects it to be.  Don’t listen to the people that say walleye won’t bite when it’s sunny.  Just get out there and fish."

Although it seems fairly obvious and simple, this advice seemed extremely profound.  Possibly the best fishing advice I have ever heard.

Everybody has their idea on how fish should be caught.  There are volumes and volumes of books out there on catching every imaginable species of fish.  Trust me, I have read many of them.  They are all full of great information and techniques that will most likely make you a better fisherman.

The problem is that fish are unpredictable and they don’t always do what we think they should do.  I don’t know how many times I have heard guys say, “Aw man, there should have been a fish there.” After casting to the “perfect” spot.  

If you limit yourself by others’ experiences you might miss out on an extraordinary day of fishing.  You can set yourself apart from the competition by thinking outside the box.  Do something unexpected and you might just catch one to hang on the wall.  You might not catch anything at all, but you never know until you try.

Go fishing whenever the mood strikes even if it contradicts what the “experts” tell you. Sure you may not catch anything, but you just might find that they are on a feeding frenzy and you get your limit in no time at all.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and fish!

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