Thursday, August 6, 2015

Cell Phone Separation Anxiety

It has been a while since this thirsty fisherman has done any writing. That’s because this thirsty fisherman has been too busy to get into any trouble. Thankfully tonight changed that. I finally got a free night where the weather wasn’t too hot, too windy, or raining.

As soon as I got home from work I changed my clothes, grabbed my gear, and hopped into my old truck. Halfway to my favorite fishin’ hole I realized I forgot my phone. A wave of panic fell over me.

“What am I going to do without my phone?” I thought to myself.

Then I remembered… I am going fishing! Fishing is what I do to get away from the world, and the last thing I want is a phone buzzing in my pocket.

In this world we live in we think we need to be connected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week… but what is it that we are connecting to? The world isn’t going to end if I miss an hour’s worth of Facebook updates.

I say that as if I can actually check Facebook on my phone. I can’t because I happen to prefer vintage cell phones… but that is beside the point.

If someone calls and it is important, they will leave a message. If it wasn’t important… well then I am probably better off having missed the call.

Yes, a phone would be nice for the day my rusty old 4x4 doesn’t start… when I am in the middle of nowhere with a stringer full of ‘gills. But then again, the walk could do me some good… especially the way I got so excited about my new pants with elastic in the waist.

So I offer you this challenge: next time you head outdoors leave your phone behind… you just might find you enjoy the connection to world around you.

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